Partnering with LawTube is a great way to market your brand, generate business, and leave a lasting impression with professionally made digital content.

For Information contact Attorney Robert Hidock or Attorney Chris Merrill


"monthly call-in" package

Looking for a way to market yourself to a larger audience? What better way than calling in to the longest-running legal talk show in the world. With an average audience of 15,000 people during the hour long broadcast, you are guaranteed to get your name, expertise, and business information out there. Click "learn more" to see what else this package entails...

Contributing Attorneys

Attorney travis hollifield

Hollifield Legal Center
147 E Lyman Ave c, Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 599-9590

All Videos with Attorney Travis Hollifield

attorney tom callan

Callan Law Firm, P.A.
921 Bradshaw Terrace, Orlando, FL 32806
(407) 426-9141

All videos with Attorney Tom Callan