Can you make funeral home beneficiary of your estate?


The caller would like to leave his estate to the Unity Memorial Funeral Home East in Apopka, Florida


Homer: I have no family that cares about me. I have medical issues.

Attorney Tom Olsen: All right.

Homer: Can I have the funeral home as my beneficiary?

Attorney Tom Olsen: You certainly can. I've never done it for a client before, but you could. Tell me, what are you thinking of, Homer? That you're really grateful to them or you're just trying to cover your funeral expenses or what?

Homer: Well, number one, I'm just grateful to this funeral, they've been friends of mine for many years.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Good. I like that. Homer, when you talk about leaving money to the funeral home, are you talking about some individuals there or the business itself?

Homer: The business itself. Therefore, when something happens, and I go, there's no questions. Like I said, my family don't care nothing about me.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Are they a one shop funeral home or are they a chain of funeral homes?

Homer: No, they're one shop.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Okay.

Homer: Unity Memorial Funeral Home, out of Apopka, Florida, on 44 West Michael Gladden Blvd.

Attorney Tom Olsen: I'm glad you're doing it. Homer, when I do a will for you, I typically do a package of four documents. I do the will itself, I do a living will declaration, where you ask that you not be kept alive by machines, I do a healthcare surrogate, so if you are not able to, you're appointing somebody to decide what doctors, what hospitals, what medications, and then a financial power of attorney where you're appointing somebody to pay your bills and manage your affairs for you.

You've figured out who you want to get your wealth when you pass away, but the next thing you need to figure out is who would make healthcare decisions for you, and who would manage your financial affairs for you if you are not able to.