How much does a living trust cost?


Larry: I want to put a will together and a living trust because I have a lot of properties and two states, and a couple kids, like that. My question is, how do I choose the person to do that? Then how do I determine upfront about what it's going to cost? Have no idea whatsoever.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Larry, of course, I would love to assist you. I'm Attorney Tom Olsen with the Olsen Law Group in Orlando. I would say, first of all, costs, you might find small varieties in it but Larry, this much I would tell you, and that is, whatever attorney you use, you want to do this on a flat fee basis, do not go into this with an attorney on an hourly rate. Larry, you can always talk to some attorneys. I do free initial consults, that's what we do here at the Olsen Law Groups so you can talk to us for free on the first consult. We can do that by phone, or we can do that in person. Larry, you might check out two or three attorneys and see which one you got a comfort level with.

Attorney Chris Merrill: Also, as well, it's important that in that initial consultation, and of course exactly like you said, Tom, that it's free. Once you have that conversation, which usually lasts maybe 30 minutes or so, at the end of that you would know exactly how much the cost would be. Because that is part of our free consultation is that at the end of it, Tom, exactly like you said, one it is a flat fee but once we know your particular situation, together, we determined and tell you these are the documents that you would need and you would know an exact price after that 30-minute consultation, no obligation.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Larry that remember when you sign a trust it as though you have built an empty vault or an empty safe and you must then fill it up with your assets. Your attorney here in Florida and I hope it's me, Attorney Tom Olsen, we will be responsible for doing the deeds for all of your Florida properties into your trust, filling up that safe, that vault with your properties. Remember, you're going to have some additional expense. At each state that you own real estate in, you'll need to get an attorney in that state as well to do a deed for those properties that are out of the state of Florida.