What we want you to know about nursing home and Medicaid planning

What we want you to know about nursing home and Medicaid planning.


Attorney Tom Olsen: Robert, here's the thing that I want people to know that are out there listening right now. Two categories of people out there. Number one, you got the mom and the dad who are thinking, "Man, I've worked hard all my life, I've saved my money as best I can. I want to pass on as much as my wealth as I can to my children. I don't want it eaten up by nursing homes." There's a potential client, or two somebody driving around out there and thinking, "Hey, I'm the child of an elderly mom or dad, they may have to go into a nursing home someday, I know they'd want us to take steps to protect their wealth. What do I need to do?" There's a potential client as well.

What we want them to know is is that this relief is available. A lot of people think just throw up their hands and say, "Mom's going to a nursing home, oh, gosh! I got to spend all her money, hard-earned money on a nursing home, nothing we can do." We're saying "No, there is something you can do."

Now, what can you do? Well, number one, you could come do some pre-planning. You can come to Robert's Workshops that are happening every month, you can get our booklet on how to protect your life savings from nursing homes. Or you can do a Medicaid assessment with Robert, that'd be the pre-planning. Of course, that's what we prefer to do. We'll talk about each of those in more detail. We can also do crisis planning. If somebody puts us off and says "Now they call to say, "Tom, mom's in a rehab and she's going straight from there to a nursing home. We got seven days to get this all her affairs in order to get her qualified for Medicaid." We can do that too.

Attorney Robert Hidock: Absolutely.