Pet trusts


Transcript: Attorney Tom Olsen: I know you did some work on a pet trust last week. Attorney Holley Knapik: I did, yes. Attorney Tom Olsen: I reviewed your work. You did very well on that. Attorney Holley Knapik: Thank you, Tom. It was a great experience. Client has two beloved pets, and she just wants to ensure that they're taken care of and taken care of in the way that they are accustomed to once she passes on. Attorney Tom Olsen: I'm sitting here with my dog. He's sitting here in my lap right now as we do this radio show. Attorney Holley Knapik: The ol' Max. Attorney Tom Olsen: The ol' Max. I've got a cup on my desk, one of my kids gave it to me, and my coffee cup says on my desk, "I'm giving everything to my dog." Attorney Holley Knapik: [chuckles] Absolutely. Attorney Tom Olsen: People see that and they laugh at it. It's funny. But here's a situation where you had a client that was leaving everything to their dogs. Attorney Holley Knapik: To their dogs, absolutely. Attorney Tom Olsen: We set up a trust for that. Clearly you just can't give money to a dog, but we set up a trust for their care for the rest of their life.