Who gets the home when a parent dies without a will?

Nelson: My father-in-law recently passed away and he did not have a will. My wife, she's the only child. The house that he owns is completely paid for. My wife is in the bank accounts, but she is not on title on the house.

Attorney Tom Olsen: I assume the father was a single man or widowed man?

Nelson: Yes, widowed.

Tom: Did your wife have any deceased brothers or sisters?

Nelson: No. Only child.

Tom: She is the sole beneficiary of his estate. Nelson, it will require a probate process to get that home out of dad's name and into the name of your wife. The Olsen Law Group, we'd be pleased to assist you with that. The bottom line is the title is locked up until a probate is done, Nelson.

Nelson: If she was on title, that would not have to be done?

Tom: At the Olson Law Group, we're all about helping people to avoid probate. Unfortunately, the father did not take the necessary steps to avoid probate on his home. Therefore, his home is now going through probate, Nelson, no way around it. Call the Olson Law Group next week. We'd be pleased to assist you with that.

Nelson: Thank you.

Tom: Bye-bye.

[00:01:21] [END OF AUDIO]