For capital gains purposes, what is the step up basis on inherited real estate?
Real EstateTom Olsenwhat, is, step, up, basis, when, you, inherit, real, estate, law, attorney tom olsen, attorney chris merrill
What is a personal services contract?
What is a personal services contract?
Wills Trusts & EstatesChris Merrillfor, medicaid, planning, what, is, a, personal, services, contract, law, attorney tom olsen, attorney robert hidock
A lease should provide for what happens to a tenant's abandoned property
Landlord & TenantChris MerrillA, lease, should, provide, for, what, happens, to, tenant's, abandoned, property, attorney tom olsen, attorney chris merrill
What are typical seller closing costs in Florida?
Real EstateChris Merrillwhat, are, typical, seller, closing, costs, in, Florida, attorney tom olsen, attorney chris merrill
What happens to mortgage on parents' home when they pass away?
Real Estate, Wills Trusts & EstatesChris Merrillwhat, happens, to, mortgage, on, parents', home, when, they, pass, away, attorney tom olsen
What credit card purchases are looked at in a chapter 7 bankruptcy?
OtherChris Merrillwhat, credit card, purchases, are, looked, at, in, a, chapter 7, bankruptcy, attorney tom olsen, attorney paul urich
What causes people to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy?
OtherChris Merrillwhat, causes, people, to, file, chapter 7, bankruptcy, attorney tom olsen, attorney paul urich, florida bankruptcy law
In chapter 7 bankruptcy, what do you get to keep?
OtherChris Merrillin, chapter 7, bankruptcy, what, do, you, get, to, keep, attorney paul urich, attorney tom olsen, florida bankruptcy law
What happens to credit card debt when someone dies?
ProbateChris Merrillwhat, happens, to, credit, card, debt, when, someone, dies, attorney tom olsen
A good lease should cover what happens to tenant's abandoned property
Landlord & TenantChris Merrilla, good, lease, should, cover, what, happens, to, tenant's, abandoned, property, attorney rob solomon, attorney tom olsen
What happens to marital assets when one spouse dies?
Wills Trusts & Estates, ProbateChris Merrillwhat, happens, to, marital assets, when, one, spouse, dies, attorney tom olsen
What is a durable financial power of attorney used for?
What financial disclosure must be made as part of a divorce?
OtherChris Merrillwhat, financial, disclosure, must, be, made, as, part, of, a, divorce, Attorney Michelle Barry, attorney tom olsen, family law
What should tenant do when HOA forecloses?
What happens to mortgage on house when parents pass away?
Real EstateChris Merrillwhat, happens, to, mortgage, on, house, when, parents, pass away, attorney tom olsen
What happens if the deed is not recorded?
Real EstateChris Merrillwhat, happens, if, the, deed, is, not, recorded, florida, attorney tom olsen
What to do when tenant does not comply with lease terms
Landlord & TenantChris Merrillwhat, to, do, when, tenant, does, not, comply, with, lease, terms, attorney tom olsen, 7 day notice to cure