Are noncompete agreements enforceable in Florida?


Transcript: Attorney Tom Olsen: Non-compete agreements are enforceable in the state of Florida. Attorney Chris Merrill: Correct. Attorney Tom Olsen: You want to know whether yours is enforceable? Step number one is to show it to an attorney. To be enforceable that must be reasonable in scope and time. When I say time, I'm not talking about it being 30 years old, I mean how long would you be prohibited from competing? Attorney Chris Merrill: Exactly. Attorney Tom Olsen: The scope, it has to do with the geographical area so that if his company only does business in Brevard County, and it says that he cannot compete anywhere in the state of Florida, that's not reasonable because you're not doing business other than Brevard County. Then number two, if it says he can't compete with us for 15 years, that's not reasonable. A typical period of time is two years. Attorney Chris Merrill: Exactly. Attorney Tom Olsen: I appreciate your question, Vince. Step number one is going to be to show it to an attorney and see what he has to say.