At Olsen Law Group, we make estate planning simple and easy


Transcript: Attorney Chris Merrill: Part of that great service for us is this, and I think this is very significant. We make the process simple for them. I know that I consider it to be the highest compliment when somebody says, "Thank you" or "Gosh, this is so much simpler than I thought." That is because we make it that way. It is not that way necessarily with other law firms, but we make that simple so they're like, "Wow, really? Oh my goodness." They appreciate that we explain it so that it's easily understood, and we make the process simple, and in our opinion, that's part of providing great service. Attorney Tom Olsen: What we hear from clients, new clients, and we'll give two examples of that. Number one is you call a lot of law firms in Orlando, good luck trying to talk to a lawyer. You can't get past reception, "Hey, we talked to people all day every day. You got my dial direct number right on our website, that's going to ring in my phone. We're going to talk to you." Number two, we've had people over the years come in and say, "Tom, I called another law firm to get my estate planning done, the first thing they send me was a 20-page questionnaire. Before I ever go meet with them, I've got to fill this out." Oh, what a pile of bull. Attorney Chris Merrill: Overwhelming. Attorney Tom Olsen: Yes. Attorney Chris Merrill: That's not necessary. Attorney Tom Olsen: It's not necessary. Why do they try and make it so hard? I don't get it. Attorney Chris Merrill: I don't know. However, you're right, that's what's standard. Therefore, we feel the opposite. We feel it's our job to make it simple for the client and make it easy for them to do business with us. Think about it, what is those of the other law firms they're doing, they're making it hard to do business. They're putting up a barrier. They're putting the burden on the client. We feel no, we should be doing our job and making it easy.