Can you keep your home if you go into a nursing home in Florida?


Transcript: Attorney Tom Olsen: Mark, you're on WDBO go ahead. Mark: Yes. Hi. I live in Orlando, my mother she's 75 and she has dementia and I was going put her in a nursing home. It got to a point where they were telling me that if she stays a long-term nursing home, that they would take our house. Attorney Tom Olsen: Mark, the good news with proper planning, your mom is going to be allowed to keep that home and qualify for Medicaid. Have Medicaid pay for a nursing home. Mark, do not give up hope. We have Medicaid-compliant tools to help you and your mom. It starts by talking to our attorney, Robert. Hydock. He's available. He's upfront right now. If he's not on the phone with somebody else at (407) 423-5561. Mark, if you don't reach him right now, he's available Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, or go to our website, Look for attorney Robert Hydock. From there, you can call him, text him or email him. Mark: Okay. All right. Thank you. Attorney Tom Olsen: All right, Christie. We know that there's so many misconceptions out there about nursing homes and people that throw up their hands and go, "Okay, there goes all mom and dad's money. Everything they've ever worked for all their lives. Going down the hole at a nursing home at 10 to $12,000 a month." We want people to know that there are Medicaid-compliant tools that we can use to protect their wealth and get them qualified for Medicaid. Attorney Chris Merrill: Correct. They're the two biggest misconceptions. One like mark was saying, you hear that they're gooing to take your home. Then the second biggest misconception five-year lookback. Those two and we can help you with both of those. In addition to other ways that you are able to protect those life savings and not have to give the home away or spend down the cash with legally compliant tools that will allow your loved ones to go into a nursing home and protect their savings. Attorney Tom Olsen: The five-year lookback is not a misconception. There is in fact, a five-year lookback period, but we have all the workarounds without using Medicaid-compliant tools. Here at the Olsen Law Group in Orlando, we'd love to assist you or your parents. If you're out there in a community, talking to friends and family, here's, somebody's going to a nursing home. Oh, there goes all their money. No, you need to know that there are tools that we can use to use to protect their wealth. It starts by contacting Olsen Law Group in Orlando. We assist people throughout the state of Florida.